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roulette is one of the oldest casino games in the world that involves betting on different numbers on a spinning wheel.
the zero on the european roulette sits between black 26 and red 36, whereas the single zero on an american roulette wheel is located between black 2 and black 26, and the double zero is located between red 1 and red 27.
the number zero is one of the rarest betting numbers in roulette, just because it is a single number and you'll get a 35:1 payout if the ball lands on zero.
this is why most people consider the number zero to be an unlucky number just because they lose everything except for the people that made a bet on that number.
it's essential to be aware that despite the reality that the american roulette wheel has an additional number (00), the percentages for both 0 and 00 are 35/1, which is similar to betting on 0 on the european roulette wheel.
053, which is considerably worse than on a european roulette wheel.
in a "row" bet on an american roulette wheel, the percentages of you prevailing at 17/1, and the odds towards you triumphing at 18/1.
in fact, if you decide to chase the zero bet on a roulette table, chances are that you'll lose more money in the long run than you'd win from the bet.
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